Create an unsigned transaction

These methods allow you to build a transaction that requires further processing before it is submitted to a Hedera network. After you freeze the transaction you can use .sign(privateKey) to sign the transaction with multiple keys or convert the transaction to bytes for further processing.

//Create an unsigned transaction 
AccountCreateTransaction transaction = new AccountCreateTransaction()

//Freeze the transaction for signing
//The transaction cannot be modified after this point
AccountCreateTransaction freezeTransaction = transaction.freezeWith(client);



Sample Output

crypto_create_account {
auto_renew_period {
seconds: 7776000
initial_balance: 1000
key {
ed25519: "\272g\374\310f\354\274\273bU\256\v\032$e\311\021p\216*L\332\277Y\343\230\277PUmy\373"
receive_record_threshold: 9223372036854775807
send_record_threshold: 9223372036854775807
node_account_i_d {
account_num: 6
realm_num: 0
shard_num: 0
transaction_fee: 100000000
transaction_i_d {
account_i_d {
account_num: 9401
realm_num: 0
shard_num: 0
transaction_valid_start {
nanos: 469101387
seconds: 1604559135
transaction_valid_duration {
seconds: 120

Last updated